546 research outputs found

    Stakeholders and quality assurance in higher education

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    Comparative Report WP9: Stakeholders

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    The Semi-Classical Relativistic Darwin Potential for Spinning Particles in the Rest-Frame Instant Form: 2-Body Bound States with Spin 1/2 Constituents

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    In the semiclassical approximation of Grassmann-valued electric charges for regularizing Coulomb self-energies, we extract the unique acceleration-independent interaction hidden in any Lienard-Wiechert solution for the system of N positive-energy spinning particles plus the electromagnetic field in the radiation gauge of the rest-frame instant form. With the help of a semiclassical Foldy-Wouthuysen transformation, this allows us to find the relativistic semiclassical Darwin potential. In the 2-body case the quantization of the lowest order reproduces exactly the results from the reduction of the Bethe-Salpeter equation.Comment: 102 pages, revtex fil

    Supporting older patients in making healthcare decisions: The effectiveness of decision aids; A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Objective: To systematically review randomized controlled trials and clinical controlled trials evaluating the effectiveness of Decision Aids (DAs) compared to usual care or alternative interventions for older patients facing treatment, screening, or care decisions.Methods: A systematic search of several databases was conducted. Eligible studies included patients ≥ 65 years or reported a mean of ≥ 70 years. Primary outcomes were attributes of the choice made and decision making process, user experience and ways in which DAs were tailored to older patients. Meta-analysis was conducted, if possible, or outcomes were synthesized descriptively.Results: Overall, 15 studies were included. Using DAs were effective in increasing knowledge (SMD 0.90; 95% CI [0.48, 1.32]), decreasing decisional conflict (SMD −0.15; 95% CI [−0.29, −0.01]), improving patient-provider communication (RR 1.67; 95% CI [1.21, 2.29]), and preparing patients to make an individualized decision (MD 35.7%; 95% CI [26.8, 44.6]). Nine studies provided details on how the DA was tailored to older patients.Conclusion: This review shows a number of favourable results for the effectiveness of DAs in decision making with older patients.Practice implications: Current DAs can be used to support shared decision making with older patients when faced with treatment, screening or care decisions

    Переходная зона между шельфом и континентальным склоном северной части Чёрного моря. Ландшафтный подход

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    На основе данных, полученных с применением обитаемых подводных аппаратов, рассмотрена проблема положения бровки шельфа как важной структурно фациальной границы морского бассейна. Описана ландшафтная фациальная зональность в диапазоне глубин 70–220 м в северной части Черного моря. Выявлено, что смена фаций в переходной зоне между шельфом и материковым склоном от бровки шельфа до глубины около 200 м находится в тесной связи с усилением гипоксии до полной аноксии.На основі даних, отриманих із застосуванням підводних апаратів, розглянуто проблему положення бровки шельфу як важливої структурно фаціальної межі морського басейну. Описано ландшафтну фаціальну зональність в діапазоні глибин 70–20 м у північній частині Чорного моря. Виявлено, що зміна фацій у перехідній зоні між шельфом і материковим схилом від бровки шельфу до глибини близько 200 м тісно пов’язана із збільшенням гіпоксії до повної аноксії.The problem of continental shelf break position as an important structural – facial marine basin boundary discussed on the basis of manned submersibles’ data. The range and setting of Northern Black Sea facial zones in the depths interval 70 220m are described. It’s found that the facial changes are related closely with hypoxia increasing to complete anoxia from the shelf break to the depth of about 200 m